

Librerias de Python [Pypi]

Django CMS Semantic UI Plugin
Updated 2017

Creates support Semantic UI components inside Django CMS Admin. Components like: Grid, Segment, Container

pip install djangocms_semantic_ui

All Badge
Updated 2018

Creates badges for Git tag version, Coverage and you can create your own

pip install all_badge

Django CMS Markdown Ghost Editor
Updated 2018

Django CMS Markdown Plugin supported by Simple Markdown Editor. Supports Live Edit and Live Preview

pip install djcms_markdown

Django JWT Tenant
Updated 2017

Installable app to handle Authentication with JWT Tokens from parent project. It does not require to create Users just need to set the JWT Key

pip install django-auth-jwt-tenant


GraphQL + Python en la vida real. It Works!

Talk about GraphQL in production environments with recommentations to use it.

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Creating a GraphQL api in Django
Pycon.co 2018

Talk about GraphQL in production environments with recommentations to use it. This talk includes GraphQL Subscriptions.

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Gitlab CI para tus proyectos con Pytest y Flake8

Talk about implementing CI/CD in your projects using Gitlab.

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Proyectos de ejemplo

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